result count: 6

SC_424327_1Save me...Who can save me!
SC_424327_2No...Don't hurt me...Ahhahhh!
Sys424327_nameEnter the Depths of the Battlefield
Sys424327_szquest_accept_detailYes, I have some clues scout has been missing for a while now. I must wait for him to come back...\n\nHowever, I do believe that he is still alive. That soldier might be a bit cowardly, but he can think quickly. What's more is that his luck is very good. That is why I think he is still alive. I just don't know what is tying him up...Yes, he couldn't have been caught, right?...\n\nIf it's you, you should be able to find him. Go into the battlefield! Just don't get too close to the castle of those wild rhinoceroses. Based on recent reports, it's dangerous even if you're not a dwarf.
Sys424327_szquest_complete_detailWhoo...It's lucky that you came just in time...Thank you...but you are?
Sys424327_szquest_descHelp Intelligence Officer [118302|Mino Saltpeter] find the scout, [118303|Raru Winejar], who is trapped on the battlefield.