result count: 6

SC_424329_1There is nothing inside this bottle.
Sys424329_nameBottle Fishing
Sys424329_szquest_accept_detailIf I go back and tell other people this now, no one will believe me for sure. However, now is not the time to carry out our tasks calmly...\n\nActually, I lost the key [118681|Bottle] that night because I was so panicked... If I go back now, the captain will tear me limb from limb. However, this is not something to worry about now. Even though the key item is gone, from what I understand, the clue we need is a [240265|Password Paper]. It's hidden in a [118681|Bottle] that was dropped on the battlefield...I know it will take a while, but we must check each and every bottle!
Sys424329_szquest_complete_detailI'm pretty sure it's this one! Since it's hard to understand when you open it, I think it must be the [240265|Password Paper] that the captain wanted me to find. That said, I also can't be sure where the captain got this report.
Sys424329_szquest_descOpen all the dropped [<S>118681|Bottles] in the [ZONE_STEEL_ARENA|Battlefield of Steel] and find the one that holds the [240265|Password Paper].
Sys424329_szquest_uncomplete_detailYes, I said "we." It would be quicker if two people search for it! Otherwise I'll be looking until I go blind.