result count: 9

SC_424450_ASK_01What is written on the [241197|Shetamb's Notes]?
SC_424450_ASK_02I'm still studying it. The document is badly damaged and will take more than one day or two to decode. Right now all I know is that the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech] were trapped inside the barrier with Shetamb Weis by Heaven's Wrath. Also...Heaven's Wrath changed the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech] somehow. Indeed the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech] continued to change inside the barrier. However I don't think explaining these changes will be very helpful. More important is the record of Shetamb Weis' experimentation on his own body. Unfortunately subsequent accounts of failed experiments and many other important records are obscured by stains... I need to keep looking. If you're interested come back and ask me later.
SC_424450_NOTEPAGE_01(The first half of the notes is obscured by a big black stain. The text is unreadable.)\n\n"...erecting a barrier to contain the dragon onslaught, trapping the ferocious Myrmex inside. The Myrmex suffered unspeakably and saw all their achievements turned to dust. They also started to mutate, compelled by some unspeakable force..."\n\n(A large smudge covers the paper, rendering the text illegible.)\n\n(There appears to be more writing further on.)
SC_424450_NOTEPAGE_02...defensive circle unsupportable, targeting organism attributes, obstacles erected at rear to buy time. Schematics attached. \n\nDissected one Myrmex today, harvested its brain, marrow, heart and other organs. Analysis attached.\n\nSeeking solution to problem of Myrmex encirclement, remodeling will commence the day after tomorrow, program as attached. Long term postoperative observation required owing to large number of variables.\n\n(Lots of research tables and circle diagrams follow. They are not your area of expertise and completely incomprehensible. The next set of records is covered in filth. All text is obscured.)
Sys424450_nameNotes from the Past
Sys424450_szquest_accept_detail([120580|Vett Yabed] flicks through pages that appear to be covered in blood, lost in thought.)\n\nThe writing is unreadable in many places... What a pity. Still, there's no point in blaming the dead, may they rest in peace.\n\nWe ought to put these materials to good use and make sure the dead have not labored in vain. [$playername], we need to delve deeper into the [ZONE_QRICH_CADAVER_DEN|Kulech Bones Nest]. If we can find more information on the barriers and energy supply points then perhaps we will be able to devise a way of sealing the elemental thrones.\n\nI've studied the reports and come up with our next objective. We need to explore several major avenues, including failed experiments, such as the Great Mage Shetamb Weis, who has "assimilated" by the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech]... Ha! That's right, you heard me. I was confused too when I first read the reports. Of course I'd heard about failed magical experiments backfiring before, but his [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech] assimilation is an unspeakable tragedy. His identity was completely obliterated, not just as a great mage but also a human being!\n\nIt doesn't matter how you cut it, Shetamb was once a Great Mage and this [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech] assimilation doesn't change that fact. No doubt his body still carries traces of his former life. [$playername], if you find any clues on his body, bring them straight back here to me.
Sys424450_szquest_complete_detailYou say he still had these notes on his body?\n\n(Astonished, [120580|Vett Yabed] carefully turns the pages of the [241197|Shetamb's Notes].)\n\nLooks like a combination of research notes and personal diary... Shetamb certainly poured his heart and soul into these notes. He might have lost the ability to think like a Great Mage, but his human emotions continued to affect his behavior.\n\nUnfortunately this isn't what I was hoping for... I'm afraid we might be wasting our time in the [ZONE_QRICH_CADAVER_DEN|Kulech Bones Nest].
Sys424450_szquest_descTake the [241197|Shetamb's Notes] from [106604|Assimilated Shetamb] and give it to [120580|Vett Yabed].
Sys424450_szquest_uncomplete_detailFound any clues yet? So far we've only found Shetamb's old research reports. They tell us something about the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech], but are next to useless on the subject of the elemental thrones.