result count: 12

SC_424497_00I have currently collected two versions of the story of the [ZONE_ICE_FLOW_VILLAGE|Icestream Village Ruins]. One I learned from reading books and doing some searching myself. The other is one that the residents here have told me. I am now researching the connection between the two. Which one do you want to hear?
SC_424497_01Please tell me the story passed on by the residents.
SC_424497_02Please tell me about the evidence you collected.
SC_424497_03Here's what was told to me by the residents...\n\nThe [ZONE_ICE_FLOW_VILLAGE|Icestream Village Ruins] were once occupied by monsters. If someone walked through the cave behind the mountain, then that person would never come back. Some people say the villagers at that time dragged broken bodies inside and held them in their arms, unwilling to accept the fact that they were dead. Other people say that they had been cursed by an enemy of the King so that the creatures of the [ZONE_ICE_FLOW_VILLAGE|Icestream Village Ruins] would turn into frightening, man-eating monsters. \n\nThis story has been passed on through word of mouth among the villagers, and there may not be anything to it. There is not much evidence proving the folktale. However, if you analyze it from a different angle, perhaps you can find some facts within the legend.
SC_424497_04I've heard it.
SC_424497_05Actually, I haven't come up with much information, but I can share it with you nevertheless. Do you know about the famous ancient King of Icestream Village, Thanteos Kalume? During his time, Icestream Village was invaded by demons and many people were brutally killed. \n\nAlthough the books don't have a clear record of it, I guess that the ancient King Thanteos encountered Dwarf King Kooster Fireboot and later teamed up with Kooster's son, Tirsov Fireboot, to defeat the demons in The Great Banishment. \n\nThis kind of friendship in history is pretty amazing, isn't it? I don't know how many places I've had to visit in order to find out more about King Thanteos. As you can see, my goal now is to explore the [ZONE_ICE_FLOW_VILLAGE|Icestream Village Ruins].
SC_424497_06Okay, that is all the information I have for now. If you don't think the details I have are very useful, perhaps you could let me know what you've found out, haha.
Sys424497_nameThe Story of Icestream Village
Sys424497_szquest_accept_detailAdventurers often travel all over the mainland. You must have heard many stories, right? I am a scholar who collects historical and folk legends and verifies their accuracy. If you know any interesting stories or historical events, please share them with me. \n\nOr... On the other hand, why don't I share the story of the [ZONE_ICE_FLOW_VILLAGE|Icestream Village Ruins] with you?
Sys424497_szquest_complete_detailNow that you've heard me speak, would you be willing to help me? From my experience, it won't be difficult for an adventurer as skilled as yourself.
Sys424497_szquest_descListen to [119076|Merdillo Gray] tell the story of the [ZONE_ICE_FLOW_VILLAGE|Icestream Village Ruins].
Sys424497_szquest_uncomplete_detailActually I have something I need your help with. Before that, however, I want you to understand the background of the [ZONE_ICE_FLOW_VILLAGE|Icestream Village Ruins].