result count: 5

Sys424627_nameUsing Natural Enemies
Sys424627_szquest_accept_detailOur village is on the sea and even though the ocean breeze creates a comfortable feeling, many bugs come out and bother us at night. We often go to [ZONE_SILENT_PASS|Silent Pass] to catch a few of these bats which we then release at night. Then, before the bats return home, they will eat up any nearby mosquitoes. That way we will have some peace during the night. \n\nHowever, recently a type of frightening monster has appeared at [ZONE_SILENT_PASS|Silent Pass]. It has frightened the villagers so now no one dares go there to catch bats. Our family hasn't slept in three days now... Help us and go to [ZONE_SILENT_PASS|Silent Pass] to catch some [<S>106078|Silent Pass Bats], okay?
Sys424627_szquest_complete_detailExcellent! It looks like we'll be able to get some sleep tonight!
Sys424627_szquest_descGo and catch some [<S>106078|Silent Pass Bats] so that the [ZONE_PITIK_PORT|Pitik Port] villagers can get a good night's sleep.
Sys424627_szquest_uncomplete_detailRecently [ZONE_SILENT_PASS|Silent Pass] has been unstable. Many villagers who got their to collect bats have reported that there is a type of frightening monster there. It only has one eye and a mouth for blood. Thus, now no one dares go there to catch bats. There are so many bugs near the sea. Our family hasn't slept in three days now...