result count: 5

Sys424707_szquest_accept_detailAs you've probably already noticed, there are a lot of strange things in [ZONE_NORTHERN_KATHALAN|Kashaylan]. If I'm being completely honest, there's no way I could stay here on a long-term basis, constantly having to deal with all these wild animals. Say, have you ever worked as a bounty hunter?\n\nDo you see where I'm going with this?\n\nIf you fancy working with me, you'll have to prove your abilities first! Go and get me a [201583|Conjurer's Feather] from a [103428|Harpy Enchantress]!
Sys424707_szquest_complete_detailHmm... judging by the sheen on this feather, you must have been pretty quick!\n\nBut that only proves some basic skills. Don't forget, you're in [ZONE_NORTHERN_KATHALAN|Kashaylan] now. Just about every pirate here would've been able to do that task with ease.
Sys424707_szquest_descEliminate a [103428|Harpy Enchantress] and acquire a [201583|Conjurer's Feather].
Sys424707_szquest_uncomplete_detailI hope you won't disappoint me!