result count: 27

SC_424960_01(Sobs) ... I can't move...
SC_424960_02(Sob) ...I must get that research...!
SC_424960_03What's going on? (sobs)
SC_424960_04Ah! Excellent! I'm saved! Did the Alliance send you?\n\nI was collecting some research reports when I ran into a wounded [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon] returning from the battlefield...Argh! It was foolish of me. I should have known how dangerous a dying [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon] can be...\n\n([120493|Shass Webb] appears to be in agony and his breathing is labored.)\n\nI would ask you to go for backup, but there's no time...\n(Rasps.)...[$playername], would you collect the research reports for me?\n\nThe researchers are in the [ZONE_KALTUROK_NEST|Garon Nest] just up ahead. [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon] soldiers stand guard, but do not worry. I'll sprinkle some of this potion onto your body. It should help you get inside. \nExplain the situation to [120496|Pike Molsen]. He will give you reports, I believe.
SC_424960_05[$playername], (coughs.)... Do not delay. Quickly enter the [ZONE_KALTUROK_NEST|Garon Nest] and bring back the reports...(whimper.)...
SC_424960_06Well, well... What an excellent response! Can it really be like this?
SC_424960_07Huh? Who the heck are you? A new delivery boy?\n\n(You tell [120496|Pike Molsen] what happened.)\n\nI see. Well, he wouldn't be the first person that's happened to. Even so, he must have been pretty careless to get so badly injured.\n\nWhy don't you go and have a look at these marvelous creatures while I organize these papers? Don't do anything crazy mind you. I'm sure they won't be pleased if you wander into the Queen's chambers.
SC_424960_08Yes! [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon] really are miraculous creatures, aren't they [$playername]? Isn't it fantastic to be able to observe them in their natural habitat?\n\n[SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon] identify intruders by their smell. Using this insight, we developed a potion that gives off a fragrance that is indistinguishable from the natural odor of [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon]. Without it our research would not be possible.\n[120493|Shass Webb] must have sprinkled some on you before you came in. If not, the [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon] would have blocked your path or driven you off. \n\nIt's true, we have better access than ever to the [ZONE_KALTUROK_NEST|Garon Nest], but the [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon] still hold many mysteries. We're trying to understand more about their relationship with the true dragons, but the more we learn, the more questions we have. Honestly, the work gets more and more interesting every day...! Haha! The Alliance soldiers would throttle me if they could hear me now.
SC_424960_09Take great care of it, I beg you. This research report was written in our own blood, sweat and tears.
SC_424960_10I've seen dragons and also the [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon] here. It makes one feel rather small and insignificant, doesn't it? Anyway, we're here now and every person can make a difference.
SC_424960_11Oh! [$playername], you're back!\n\nSome members of the Alliance just came by and bound up my wounds. I'm feeling much better now. Thanks for asking...(coughs.)
SC_424960_12(He takes the reports and glances at them briefly.)\n\nUh... Thanks. These are the reports. Without your help there would have been more delays and the management would have had my guts for garters. We've been stationed here a while and everyone's on tenterhooks. Someone's always getting punished for something...\n\nTell you the truth, when the Alliance found me, they wondered where the [$playername] that had been sent to find me had gone. It's not the kind of information you give to any old Tom, Dick or Harry. Anyway, the longer they waited, the angrier they got. Heh, heh...relaaax. I already explained everything to them.\n\n([120493|Shass Webb] binds his research notes and some other pages into a single report.)\n\nPlease take this report to [120673|Bern Sanchez] back at camp for me. It will build your reputation as a trustworthy and capable person. I'm sure they will be impressed.
SC_424960_13How disappointing! How could you lose such an important document? Fortunately I made a copy. If I weren't so busy I'd take it myself. I can't believe I'm asking you to take it again!
SC_424960_14The [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon] habitat fascinates you too, doesn't it? They're unique, no doubt about it...WHAT? You lost the report! You must be joking. Well, go and get it! Help me finish this task I beg you, if you still trust yourself to do it that is...
SC_424960_15Hey! Soldier! There are lots of dangerous beasts around here. Watch your step!\n\nHere we are very careful about how we use our manpower. However, I admire those merchants who come here to do business. It seems no matter how dangerous, they'll do anything if there is cash involved. I wonder if they're happy?
SC_424960_16A soldier was sent out a while ago to collect some reports, but nobody came back. I wonder...
SC_424960_ADDCare for him.
SC_424960_ADD1[120493|Shass Webb] asks me to take the [241122|Garon Myrmex Regular Research Report].
SC_424960_ADD2Are [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon] the Myrmex in this nest?
SC_424960_ADD3Hand over the [241122|Garon Myrmex Regular Research Report].
SC_424960_ADD4Hand over the [241251|Shass Webb's Report].
SC_424960_HELP_01[120493|Shass Webb] sprinkles some scent-masking potion on you.
SC_424960_HELP_02Help me put on some scent-masking potion.
Sys424960_nameGaron Myrmex Report
Sys424960_szquest_accept_detailGoing back to ask the Alliance for help is a waste of time. Take my place [$playername] and finish this task.\n\nGo into the Myrmex nest, find [120496|Pike Molsen] and bring the research report back to me. Sprinkle some of this potion on yourself before you go inside. It will smooth your passage into the nest.
Sys424960_szquest_complete_detailI thought [120493|Shass Webb] was off chasing butterflies. Then this happens...\n\nThankfully you wasted no time in bringing the report back. Looks like we can trust you. Welcome aboard, [$playername]. And thank you.
Sys424960_szquest_descTake the place of [120493|Shass Webb] and enter the [ZONE_KALTUROK_NEST|Garon Nest], find [120496|Pike Molsen] and bring back the research report.\n\nGive the report to [120678|Shass Webb], then take the report that [120678|Shass Webb] gives you to [120673|Bern Sanchez].