result count: 6

SC_Z32Q424988_00Hand [123534|Old George] the [201889|Packet of Berry Biscuits] and tell him why you've come.
Sys424988_nameThe Reclusive Explorer
Sys424988_szquest_accept_detailAh, there this a name that comes to mind though!\n\nThere's an explorer who everyone calls "[123534|Old George]". He's still as wise and experienced as ever. Maybe he can help us to translate this diary?\n\nNormally he doesn't stay in one place for very long, but we're in luck. Someone saw him only recently in the <CY>woods west of the stronghold</CY>. To be honest, I think he's our best shot. What's the harm in trying?
Sys424988_szquest_complete_detail([123534|Old George] takes the diary and casts it aside.)\n\nGet lost! Get out of my way!\n\nIf I don't manage to finish this business here, I'd rather not hear or see anything else ever again.
Sys424988_szquest_descHead into the <CY>forest to the west of the stronghold</CY> and find the reclusive [123534|Old George].
Sys424988_szquest_uncomplete_detailGet lost! Get out of my way!