result count: 5

Sys424997_nameWorking for Trust
Sys424997_szquest_accept_detailFine! Maybe it isn't that important whether you're a member of the <CY>[SC_Z32FALCON|Falcon Regiment]</CY> or not. To tell the truth, I'm not exactly convinced all of our people are completely trustworthy.\n\nHmm. The question remains: can I trust you?\n\nWhy don't you start by bringing me the [<S>201580|Supply Sacks] from the [<S>108859|Farm Mercenaries]? We'll see how it goes from there.\n\n(Whilst talking to you, [123538|Soshaka Wormwing] studies the secret letter you brought with you.)
Sys424997_szquest_complete_detail<CY>[SC_Z32ISTAR|Istye]</CY>, owner of Crohn Farm, levies crushing taxes on the people on the farm, and all so that he can stuff his [<S>201580|Supply Sacks] full. If I weren't so busy with my mission at the moment, I'd have collected them long ago.\n\nI've read the secret letter in the meantime. It's good that you're here. What I mean to say is, the commander's suspicions weren't entirely misplaced.
Sys424997_szquest_descCollect [<S>201580|Supply Sacks] from the [<S>108859|Farm Mercenaries] and earn [123538|Soshaka Wormwing's] trust.
Sys424997_szquest_uncomplete_detailHey! Do I only need to question your identity? Or should I be worried about your abilities as well?