result count: 6

SC_Z31_Q425034_01Tinker With Research Equipment
Sys425034_nameExpress Dissatisfaction
Sys425034_szquest_accept_detailI've heard that you've had dealings with the Ailic's Community before, so you should be the one to take on this quest. You won't arouse their suspicions.\n\nGo to [SC_Z31_CAMP_02|Sinther Camp] and tamper with their [<S>120429|Research Equipment]. We just want to cause a little mischief, so don't go too far. Otherwise, the situation may get out of hand.
Sys425034_szquest_complete_detailGood job. This mission can be considered a success. Now we just wait for their response.
Sys425034_szquest_descGo to [SC_Z31_CAMP_02|Sinther Camp] and tamper with 5 [<S>120429|Research Equipment].
Sys425034_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou're too polite. It's just a prank, but we have to show them how angry we are.