result count: 4

Sys425076_nameAssist Pioneer
Sys425076_szquest_accept_detail[$playername], you are the best person for the job of helping an outsider enter [SC_Z31_TAFFROCK|Taffrock] since you seem to be immune to a second dose of curse. \n\nGo to [SC_Z31_CAMP_02|Sinther Camp] and seek out [120252|Dormen Blackjaw]. Some time ago, I received news that [120357|Sinther Shadowrule] had established a relay camp in [ZONE_IFANTRISH_CRYPT_05|Sardrath Corridor]... During better times, the road to [SC_Z31_TAFFROCK|Taffrock] was a leisurely half-day's journey. For a camp to have to be set up in the middle... It seems like the situation out there is getting more dangerous by the minute.\n\nOk then! Watch yourself out there, [$playername]. When things stabilize at [ZONE_IFANTRISH_CRYPT_02|Morfantas City], I'll send [120237|Kemo Silvering] and [120238|Sakuchi Blackhammer] to the front lines to assist you.
Sys425076_szquest_complete_detailI'll take the letter!\n\nTotally awesome! Finally someone else can help out around here. When Instructor [120357|Sinther Shadowrule] isn't around, I've gotta manage every little thing that goes on in this camp. I'm about to collapse from exhaustion!
Sys425076_szquest_descHead out to assist Sinther Camp and hand this [241046|Instructional Letter] to [120252|Dormen Blackjaw].