result count: 7

SC_425211_00Stop the remodeled soldiers attacking the command post!
SC_425211_01The command post has been overrun by enemies. Quest failed. Abandon quest to try again.
Sys425211_nameMilitary Emergency
Sys425211_szquest_accept_detailYou're probably wondering...why standard remodeled soldier tactics are causing so many problems for the Order of Dark Glory mercenaries.\n\nIt's true, [106620|Naghur's] remodeled soldiers are a thorn in our side, but it's not usually a big deal. It's their numbers that are the main problem.\n\nI've already run out of warriors, but the enemy's numbers...continue to increase... You understand why I feel so helpless...\n\nEr... The King and others wish to leave, no matter what... First let's eliminate the immediate threat.
Sys425211_szquest_complete_detailAh... Everybody present and accounted for!\n\nThe safety of the King and principality representatives is assured, for the moment at least.
Sys425211_szquest_descFoil the remodeled soldier ambush, allowing the King and principality representatives to safely evacuate to [ZONE_ETLIZ|Edliss Ruins].
Sys425211_szquest_uncomplete_detail...extremely difficult. That's why our casualties are so high.\n\nStill...that's the way it is around here. You get used to it.