result count: 7

SC_425242_ASK_01[ZONE_KALTUROK_NEST|Garon Nest] needs [<S>241266|Element Defense Potions]? How many? 5 bottles or less should be okay. Any more and it can't be done. After all, we use a lot of [<S>241266|Element Defense Potions] ourselves, and it takes time to collect the components and distill them.
SC_425242_ASK_02Just give me 5 bottles of [241266|Element Defense Potion] please. Thanks.
Sys425242_namePrepare Well and Sleep Easy
Sys425242_szquest_accept_detail[$playername], recruiters are everywhere signing up knights to fight at the front. If you're going there, be sure to ask [120634|Croso Dane] for some [<S>241266|Element Defense Potions]. See if you have time or send someone back with them. Everyone's armor has to be reinforced.\n\nI think [120634|Croso Dane] can be found at the [ZONE_OMEGA_PLANE|Omega Platform]. You can ask [120603|Cornelia Asaak] to take you there. Can you help?
Sys425242_szquest_complete_detailThanks for all your trouble. Soldiers that don't use these potions on their armor could be injured by the elemental effects of the [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon].
Sys425242_szquest_descFetch the element protection potions [120575|Banny] wants from [120634|Croso Dane] in [ZONE_OMEGA_PLANE|Omega Platform].
Sys425242_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe situation on the front is deteriorating. So far the fighting hasn't reached the areas behind [ZONE_REAPER_ROW|Death Passage]. Those well-fortified Kalon buildings should really help to reinforce the line.