result count: 10

SC_Z23QUEST425269_01A familiar figure appeared on the mining platform!
SC_Z23QUEST425269_02You! How can it be you?!
SC_Z23QUEST425269_03Jill frowns and doesn't speak. She seems to be thinking.
SC_Z23QUEST425269_04Don't stop me! I don't want to fight you!
SC_Z23QUEST425269_05I just want to save [115891|Loub]...
Sys425269_nameCharging the Energy Crystal
Sys425269_szquest_accept_detail[$PLAYERNAME], if you want to investigate, then try a little later. After the incident is wrapped up, I can explain everything to you later. Right now, the [ZONE_OMEGA_PLANE|Omega Platform] has many [<S>120597|Defensive Energy Crystal] all over the place. Their energy sources are almost completely depleted. \n\nWould you be so kind as to help charge up the [<S>120597|Defensive Energy Crystal]? This would go a long way in repelling the [<S>106772|Omega Invaders].
Sys425269_szquest_complete_detail[$PLAYERNAME], thank goodness you showed up and took a little of the pressure off.\n\nThis extraction platform has been constantly attacked by [<S>106772|Omega Invaders]. Keeping them at bay is a fulltime job in itself, and then the [<S>106773|Kulech Splitters] show up all of a sudden. It's hard to keep extraction operations going smoothly, and [240797|Omega Crystal] production has dropped dramatically as a result. \n\nAnd then there's what you just said...
Sys425269_szquest_descHelp [120634|Croso Dane] recharge [<S>120597|Defensive Energy Crystal].
Sys425269_szquest_uncomplete_detail[$PLAYERNAME], Please help recharge the [<S>120597|Defensive Energy Crystal].