result count: 8

SC_425271_01Please give me some more [<S>241273|Feeding Element Pouches].
SC_425271_02It must have been very interesting. I have a lot more [<S>241273|Feeding Element Pouches] here that I could give you, but don't overdo it with the feeding. Who knows how the dragons will react if their hatchlings are little fatties? They might lay everyone to waste...
SC_425271_03I...I understand...
Sys425271_nameDragon Eggs
Sys425271_szquest_accept_detailThe most curious aspect of [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon]-dragon interaction is the fact that dragons let the [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon] care for their eggs. There are two reasons for this. First, [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon] and dragons both use elements to nourish their young. Second, the dragons obviously trust them a lot. How much would you have to trust someone to entrust them with your young?\n\nHeh heh... The dragons clearly have a soft spot for the [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon]. How else would we get this golden opportunity? To study dragon eggs! How many people can say they've even seen a dragon's egg?! And something else...the [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon] have agreed to let us feed the eggs! If you like, I can show you heaps of element pouches...
Sys425271_szquest_complete_detailLately I've been wondering how the [SC_GOOD_ANT_01|Garon] must feel about looking after dragon eggs. Obviously they must experience it differently to raising their own young. But what is the nature of that difference? And how will they feel about it in the long term?
Sys425271_szquest_descPlace the [<S>241273|Feeding Element Pouches] in the designated spots for dragon egg feeding.
Sys425271_szquest_uncomplete_detailPeople just can't help themselves. They're always poking and prodding at the Myrmex eggs. I hope our more responsible researchers won't get into trouble for it.