result count: 10

SC_Z23_Q425294_00I can't hold out...
SC_Z23_Q425294_01Thank you for your support, take care!
SC_Z23_Q425294_02Someone is already assisting this soldier!
SC_Z23_Q425294_03The magical spell effect ends. Quickly, use the [241351|Wishing Rune] on [106778|Alliance Warrior]!
SC_Z23_Q425294_04Thank you. Everything is fine here now. Why don't you go and help somebody else!
Sys425294_nameDeal With Death
Sys425294_szquest_accept_detailBe careful, [$playername]! No matter how good your battle skills are, death still surrounds you! The forces of the [SC_BAD_ANT_01|Kulech] are ferocious, with hard shells, and can alter the elemental flow to cause a stalemate.\n\n"Speak your last words before entering battle!" But fighting to stay alive is more important than anything else, so please assist the [<S>106776|Alliance Warriors] on the battlefield and the seriously injured [<S>106776|Alliance Warriors] retreat for medical attention. The more survivors, the better our chances for reversing the situation.
Sys425294_szquest_complete_detailNot bad. This experience can be applied in the next battle. Dedication to life often leads to greater strength in battle, [$playername].
Sys425294_szquest_descHelp the [<S>106776|Alliance Warriors] on the bloody battlefield fight and retreat.
Sys425294_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat? Are you afraid of battle?