result count: 5

Sys425391_szquest_accept_detail[Sys425363_szquest_accept_detail|The battlefield is a cruel and unforgiving place. Such mighty sacrifices ought to have a more fitting location...\n\nI saw the true dragons and Alliance fighting bravely, spilling their lifeblood upon the ground, but the holy choirs are silent and only dust and death remain. I pray this war will end so our ravaged world might heal.]
Sys425391_szquest_complete_detail[Sys425363_szquest_complete_detail|More bad news. I will make a report to the Alliance and dragons... The true dragons did not die in vain. Their cause is just and they will live in our hearts forever.]
Sys425391_szquest_descGet [120577|Forem Mone] to inform the true dragons of their losses.
Sys425391_szquest_uncomplete_detailHopefully all our sacrifices will be worth it and we can bring an end to [119323|Maderoth's] incessant scheming.