result count: 4

Sys425392_nameMatter Report
Sys425392_szquest_accept_detailI actually care a lot about what [SC_SCMD_01|Sismond] is doing, but there are still things that need to be done here. \n\nIt's becoming more and more clear that the Ursids are trying to block us on the tundra. They weren't willing to admit it before, but it's obvious that they are involved with [SC_MSRN_01|Maderoth]...\n\nPlease report this matter to the king. He'll want to use force, but we and the Dwarves have already tasted battle. Tell him not to worry. We will use all our energy to communicate with them.
Sys425392_szquest_complete_detailPeople are far too worried about me. I appreciate your concern, but at this stage, I have to remain positive...
Sys425392_szquest_desc[120978|Panilor] requests that you report the situation here to the king in [ZONE_MIDNIGHT_WHISPERS|Midnight Whispers].