result count: 6

SC_QUEST425401_00Master Will's people... should be on the bridge up ahead!
SC_QUEST425401_01We must hurry and catch up with them!
Sys425401_szquest_accept_detailMaster Special Envoy, we've been ambushed by the enemy! \n\nThey're currently stuck on the road to the <CY>[ZONE_ANOMALY_SURVEY_CAMP|Anomaly Observation Camp]</CY>... Master Will is in a very dangerous situation! \n\nWe must hurry and help them!
Sys425401_szquest_complete_detailBe careful... Special Envoy, the enemy is up ahead!
Sys425401_szquest_descGo to where <CY>Will</CY> was ambushed and meet up with [121113|Jelorya].