result count: 5

Sys425518_nameDropped Supplies
Sys425518_szquest_accept_detailWe were chased by the Punishers so we dropped our supplies all over the place. Can you help? \n\nI've heard that the dragons are unable to provide us with aerial assistance or transport. We're stuck with transporting supplies on the ground. Those damn Punishers are taking advantage of this and are launching surprise attacks from the air. We have no way of defending ourselves. \n\nIt's a good thing that we're not far from the camp up ahead. We can take the supplies and transport them from there.
Sys425518_szquest_complete_detailThank you for your help. Sir Knight is much nicer than imagined. Is this the spirit of the Lionheart Knights? I hope I will be like you one day.
Sys425518_szquest_descFind [<S>120964|Scattered Boxes], [<S>120965|Scattered Supplies] and [<S>120966|Scattered Goods] on both sides of the road. Then take them back to the camp.
Sys425518_szquest_uncomplete_detailWe're still missing some items. They were probably dropped in some corner on the road. Go and help me out!