result count: 6

SC_Q425532_1I've come so far... Nobody can stop me!
Sys425532_nameShalun Maro's Defection
Sys425532_szquest_accept_detailYou caught me up! How stupid are you? But I have to say that I admire your courage.\n\nYes! I was behind all of this. [120990|Sismond] promised me that he would give me ultimate strength and supreme power when his plan succeeds and he becomes immortal. At that time, who will care about defeating Maderoth? [120990|Sismond] will be the mighty King!\n\nTaste my power!
Sys425532_szquest_complete_detail[121085|Shalun Maro] went insane. However, it isn’t a surprise that he ended up like this. \n\nAbout [120990|Sismond], the ghost-like person he mentioned, I really can’t imagine what else he can do. But maybe he just fooled [121085|Shalun Maro].
Sys425532_szquest_descDefeat [107478|Zombified Shalun].
Sys425532_szquest_uncomplete_detailI let the prisoner escape! How could I make such a stupid mistake!?