result count: 11

SC_Z24Q425546ALI_01Do you need help with something?
SC_Z24Q425546ALI_02Do you want to help us? Yes... After we reported the situation of [SC_GUTAI_01|Holy Tree Gutai] to the Elven King, we have been waiting for the other Holy Tree to give us [<S>241618|Holy Tree Saplings]. These are fresh saplings that are produced when the Holy Tree condenses its power of nature. When we receive them, we earn the protection of the other Holy Trees. Then when we conduct the ceremony to enter [SC_GUTAI_01|Gutai's] consciousness, we won't be unguarded. \n\nUntil just now, we thought the only way to do this was to rely on the Elves, but [121062|Adamile] has just brought word that the dragons will help us... Even though this hasn't been done before, I guess that [121033|Sabinda] will promise to try. [$playername], can I ask you to go tell [121033|Sabinda] about this and see what she says?
SC_Z24Q425546ALI_03I'll go soon.
SC_Z24Q425546TCH_01Tell Instructor [121033|Sabinda] that the dragons can help with the ceremony.
SC_Z24Q425546TCH_02Cooperate with the dragons? I had no idea that was an option. It sounds like it is worth a try. Ok, that's how we'll do the ceremony. May the Holy King bless us and make everything go smoothly. \n\nI'll begin making preparations. Tell [121133|Aliess] that once everything needed is prepared, we shouldn't waste time. We should then begin the ceremony.
SC_Z24Q425546TCH_03Ok, I will relay your instructions to [121133|Aliess].
Sys425546_nameAide's Night Speak
Sys425546_szquest_accept_detail[SC_SCMD_01|Sismond's] recommendations... on this matter deserve to be looked into more, I think. However, if that is the case, then helping the Elves...\n\n[$playername], I'm here to help the Elves, appease the Holy Tree. I heard that the [SC_GUTAI_01|Gutai's] spirit is in a state of disarray, making the energy unstable. That is why the Alliance can't use teleportation and the dragons can't fly without difficulty. Elves have tried to communicate with [SC_GUTAI_01|Holy Tree Gutai] to at least restore teleportation, but the process didn't go very smoothly. I want to see if there is anything that the Alliance can do to help with this. [$playername], can I ask you to go help the [121133|Aliess] for me?
Sys425546_szquest_complete_detail[121033|Sabinda] agrees so that's what we'll do. [$playername], I have to give you some necessary items. Please wait for me a moment.
Sys425546_szquest_descListen to the king's instructions and [546883|Help Aliess].
Sys425546_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat did [121033|Sabinda] say?