result count: 5

Sys425554_nameAir Strike!
Sys425554_szquest_accept_detail(An Alliance soldier comes running and out of breath.)\n\nWe're in deep trouble! The convoy has been attacked! Suddenly a huge pack of monsters appeared. This is an emergency, and we need immediate support!
Sys425554_szquest_complete_detailI just wanted to say that no other hero could be as powerful as you, [$playername]. When I saw you helping us... Haha, we really are lucky... Oh, that hurts!\n\n([121131|Saigo Kalony] seems to have been wounded.)
Sys425554_szquest_descKill 3 [<S>107101|Kladoren Trackers] and 3 [<S>107102|Kladoren Explorers] attacking the transport convoy outside the [ZONE_KYBORD|Cadoon].
Sys425554_szquest_uncomplete_detail([121131|Saigo Kalony] calls out with a loud voice.)\n\nProtect the cargo! Protect the cargo!