result count: 5

Sys425661_nameJailbreak Stone
Sys425661_szquest_accept_detailAhhh... My hypothesis was correct! \n\nOur enemies are using a particular kind of runic energy to imprison elemental creatures in the bodies of Punishers and tap into their elemental strengths. \n\nHowever, I've already fashioned the runes you brought me into a [241358|Jailbreak Stone] that can release elemental energy. \n\nI need you to help me test it though. Hopefully my research will come through in the clutch this time!
Sys425661_szquest_complete_detailAh... Judging from that, it looks like it's not ready for deployment yet! \n\nOn top of elemental creatures' independent personality and massive strength, some of them even have the capacity for rational thought. \n\nTo imprison an elemental creature... The enemy evidently has formidable runic skills. \n\nIt's time to go back to the drawing board. This time I'll be more thorough.
Sys425661_szquest_descUse the [241358|Jailbreak Stone] on <CY>[SC_ELEMENTALPUNISHER|Elemental Punisher]</CY> to further the research [121124|Tyda Leachy] is performing.
Sys425661_szquest_uncomplete_detailGo and try again. We need to work out all of the kinks!