result count: 4

Sys425710_nameAdventurers' Guild Advancement Notice
Sys425710_szquest_accept_detailPeace be with you, [$playername]. \n\nPlease forgive me for not getting back to you earlier. I have a deep understanding that many guild members would like to learn more advanced skills so that they are safer on their travels out in the world. That is why I have asked an old friend, who I have known for many years, to come and conduct classes. I believe he will provide a special experience for you all. \n\nHe is currently on a small farm on the way from [SILVERSPRING|Silverspring] to the [ZONE_WAILING MOUNTAINS|Howling Mountains]. Believe me, it will be very beneficial for you to go and see him. So please make the trip when you have time.
Sys425710_szquest_complete_detailYou must be [$playername], who [110167|Daris] spoke of! \n\nVery good. I was originally worried that [110167|Daris] would send someone troublesome to embarrass me, but it looks like I worry too much. From the looks of you, I can see that you're an outstanding member of [110167|Daris'] guild. \n\nIf you complete my test, I will teach you some advanced skills. Do you understand?
Sys425710_szquest_descGo and visit [121339|Laath Tawan].