result count: 5

Sys425815_nameA Drake's Corpse in the Fog
Sys425815_szquest_accept_detailYou came back just in time. Something interesting has happened. A new victim has been discovered! \n\nThe drakes who are living among the Gubod usually don't come to this place. But recently we have discovered drakes' corpses. We found them next to a strange ice cave in the southwest. \n\nMaybe it has something to do with the mysterious creature we're looking for. But you've got to hurry. The corpses are decaying fast. Please help me to investigate those drakes and recover a sample of their flesh.
Sys425815_szquest_complete_detailWow, that was quite a wound. Even for a creature like this. This fellow must have had gigantic dimensions! \n\nSpecial Envoy, please tell everyone to be extra careful when travelling!
Sys425815_szquest_descTravel to the mysterious ice cave in the southwest and look for [121827|Strange Drake's Corpse] to take a [242148|Chewed Body Part] from.
Sys425815_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you find it? I just hope it hasn't been disintegrated by the forest yet...I'd say the plants there are even more to be feared than the animals, just like [121668|Millany Bathan] herself.