result count: 5

Sys425836_nameAppaling Message from a Dream
Sys425836_szquest_accept_detail[121419|Dios Pak] used [241360|Hundred Flower Essence] on [121728|Amper Haven]. \nCommander, my report. His state of health has improved considerably. \n\nDo you want to ask him about what actually happened to him?
Sys425836_szquest_complete_detailOne moment he is up in the skies, another moment deep in the forest. Looks like he's been terrified out of his wits! \n\nOr...maybe he is seeing those monsters everywhere?
Sys425836_szquest_descTalk to [121728|Amper Haven] to find out what happened.
Sys425836_szquest_uncomplete_detailWe still haven't gotten any useful answers.