result count: 5

Sys425850_nameA Pharmacist in the Making
Sys425850_szquest_accept_detailHow about helping [121786|Diwagan] to brew the medicine? \n\nWith the [121842|Refinement Tool] next to you, you can start right away. The most important thing is keeping an eye on the temperature controls. Make you sure you don't burn the medicine! \n\nThis [242173|Medicine Box] is used for creating [242174|Curing Medicine]. You can start whenever you're ready.
Sys425850_szquest_complete_detailAll steps have been carried out according to the recipe of [121787|Doctor Sohazee], but without further testing [121786|Diwagan] cannot be sure about the effect of this medicine. \n\nBut it's looking good, don't you think?
Sys425850_szquest_descThe number of drakes that are acting violently increases day after day. Therefore [121786|Diwagan] asks you to help with the emergency manufacturing of additional [242174|Curing Medicine].
Sys425850_szquest_uncomplete_detailAh! Aaah! Failure? Again? \n\nBut [121786|Diwagan] was putting great trust in you! Do you want to try again?