result count: 11

SC_Z24Q425879_01The alliance? You came here to rescue me? I thought you are just doing your mission...\n\nHow many days have I been captured? They got me here for the research on the secret about the earth element mixture...I was too weak...\n\n(She looks exhausted)
SC_Z24Q425879_02A kid named [121823|Gaddy] asked me to save his mother.
SC_Z24Q425879_03[121823|Gaddy]...I thought that I would never hear this name poor child... I want to see him again, please help me...
SC_Z24Q425879_04(Take her with you and leave here.)
SC_Z24Q425879_05Let's go back and wait for the news.
Sys425879_nameMeeting Again
Sys425879_szquest_accept_detailI just wanted to rescue mom. It's not impossible, is it? Buhu...I'm sorry! - You are a great hero, aren't you...? You could help me to find her, what do you think?
Sys425879_szquest_complete_detailMama! Mama! (Crying...) Mama, wake up! Oh, auntie, please help her!
Sys425879_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_BLACK_GUBLIN_BUNKER|Black Goberyn Bunker] and rescue [121849|Gaddy's] mother.
Sys425879_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf you don't help me, I'll have to find her on my own...!