result count: 5

Sys426046_nameShells and other Toys
Sys426046_szquest_accept_detailFor my project of classifying different forms of camouflage I need more [<S>242101|Insect Shell Camouflages] to play around with...Can you try to find more [<S>107469|Twisting Razor Blade Bugs] and get me their [<S>242101|Insect Shell Camouflages]? \n\nTheir shell looks exactly like a herb, so it's virtually impossible to distinguish them from the ground. When hunting for prey will they suddenly emerge. The shell of those insects is big enough to cover one or even two people! Imagine how useful a device like that could be! Please help me to get some of these [<S>242101|Insect Shell Camouflages]!
Sys426046_szquest_complete_detailThank you! \n\nHaha. Everybody will be admiring me for my ability to create hiding spots like this from these shells!
Sys426046_szquest_descHelp [121667|Chawei Chuck] to collect 5 [<S>242101|Insect Shell Camouflages]. I'm trying to turn my mind to a butterfly. Go away!