result count: 5

Sys426165_nameWood Selection
Sys426165_szquest_accept_detailI've been in your place before. It's really not easy to reach this far only based on your knowledge on the wood materials. You are here right now, it means you are ready for the upcoming challenge, right?\n\nThe most detailed actions are hidden in the most simple work. This is my only tip for you. The promotion exam is pretty easy. When you are ready, bring me [208241|Fastan Banyan Timber], [240324|Janost Cypress Timber] and [241421|Todo Ginkgo Timber].\n\nI think this won't be any problem for you.
Sys426165_szquest_complete_detailCongratulations! For the people who are walking on the road to the Legend, the way ahead will be harder. \n\nWoodcutting is a natural thing for me. Take a sharp tool and walk into the woods, cut the best wood material and refine it. The human and nature benefit from each other. I hope you will always remember this.
Sys426165_szquest_descUse your knowledge about wood to gather a certain amount of [208241|Fastan Banyan Timber], [240324|Janost Cypress Timber] and [241421|Todo Ginkgo Timber]. [122410|Molyfer Noan] will then decide if you are qualified to become a legend.
Sys426165_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou are still here? You still have doubts? Don't think too much. It's not important which organization assigned us, just focus on the wood material you need.