result count: 5

Sys426166_nameUnderstanding of Ore
Sys426166_szquest_accept_detailI will have to check on the ores you gather before telling you if your knowledge about ores has reached a certain level. \n\nGather the best [208235|Olivine Sand], [240315|Purple Agate Crystal Sand] and [241433|Olegan Stone Sand], and bring them back to me when you are ready.
Sys426166_szquest_complete_detailObserving ores is maybe my talent, but I believe that everyone has the ability to know more about the ores, only not everyone takes this serious like you guys.\nI'm glad that you joined us, congratulations. Maybe we will see each other again in the future.
Sys426166_szquest_descUse your knowledge about ore to collect [208235|Olivine Sand], [240315|Purple Agate Crystal Sand] and [241433|Olegan Stone Sand] and ask [122411|Godotnut Lynn] to identify them.
Sys426166_szquest_uncomplete_detailOur organization also has strict rules, just you haven't understand them yet.