result count: 7

SC_Z32Q426202_1I hear that with your help we've managed to deal with the problem of the pirates in the west. Is that right? In that case, the Tiktaaliks shouldn't prove any more of a problem. Let's take back the [ZONE_SCOUT_RIDGE|Chalk Canyon Outpost]!
SC_Z32Q426202_2Are you [$playername]? Aren't you at the head of a huge army, come to help us? I've already heard of your exploits defeating the pirates. But where are your men?\n\nWhat do you mean? There is no army? So how many people are here to support [ZONE_WINDBRINE_CASTLE|Brinewind Castle]? Where are they all? Oh... I get it now! You're trying to lull the enemy into a false of security! Get him to lower his guard? Then say no more. If you want to trick your enemies, you need to be able to trick your allies first. Oh, yes, I know a thing or two about the art of war.
Sys426202_nameThe Hero from Foreign Lands
Sys426202_szquest_accept_detailI've just been gathering information and used the opportunity to mention the hero who's hurried to our aid. Now everyone wants to meet you. Personally, I think it would only be correct for you to meet [123569|Cheney Baedbeker] and [123570|Wader Fabio]. That would make things a fair bit easier.\n\nIf it's all the same with you, there's something I'd quickly like to deal with first though. See you again shortly.
Sys426202_szquest_complete_detailIf your arrival gives [123569|Cheney Baedbeker] and [123570|Wader Fabio] even just a gram of courage, it can only be of benefit. It was a real blow to them that they weren't able to hold the [ZONE_SCOUT_RIDGE|Chalk Canyon Outpost].
Sys426202_szquest_descIntroduce yourself to [123570|Wader Fabio], Captain of the Brinewind Castle Camp Guards, and [123569|Cheney Baedbeker], his lieutenant, who are responsible for resisting the [SC_Z32_SEAFOOD|Tiktaaliks].
Sys426202_szquest_uncomplete_detailTalk to [123569|Cheney Baedbeker] and [123570|Wader Fabio]. You should be able to find them in the camp outside [ZONE_BAORTE_FARM|Bartas Farm] or somewhere near the [ZONE_SCOUT_RIDGE|Chalk Canyon Outpost].