result count: 5

Sys426205_nameSafe Zone
Sys426205_szquest_accept_detailThe force assembled at [ZONE_BOILING_LAKE|Boiling Lake] has been split up by the enemy's crafty tactics. Fortunately, Master [122341|Kargath Duran] led reinforcements in to provide assistance. He is now talking with the Alliance about how to reestablish their advantage. \n\nIn order to avoid the guardians and Zurhidons constant attacks, we have moved our remaining troops to the foot of the mountain where it is spacious and safe. Please follow the road to the right to the end. After you pass two small lakes, you will reach our new fort. \n\nI will stay here and direct any other members that come!
Sys426205_szquest_complete_detailRight! We never expected that Maderoth's underling, the "Ironblood Dreadlord" [107709|Klamorte] would be lying in wait inside the Guardian Factory. This caused the undue loss of Commanding Officer [122364|Woktas] and many soldiers. It was a terrible miscalculation. \n\n([122341|Kargath Duran] sighs and shakes his head.)\n\nEven though I heard this [107709|Klamorte] isn't a demon, his supreme insight and knowledge earns him Maderoth's favor. That is why he was recruited for the Thirteen Circles. \n\nNow that this strategy is blocking the Alliance's way out, the next step will be much more difficult...
Sys426205_szquest_descGo to the fort near the [ZONE_BOILING_LAKE|Boiling Lake] and report to [122341|Kargath Duran].
Sys426205_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe Alliance has many soldiers scattered around [ZONE_BOILING_LAKE|Boiling Lake]. I will direct them to the new fort. Don't worry.