result count: 5

Sys426206_namePreparing to Set Off
Sys426206_szquest_accept_detail[122344|Iswan Giant] is on the list of soldiers who were captured. With her here, I believe that the Alliance's army won't collapse. I just don't know how long it can last. We must prepare supplies and soldiers and meet with her before things go too far. \n\nEnough with the nonsense. Go and confirm that the preparation work that we need to do before we set out is being done. I must go and stop some radical people from doing something rash. It seems to be my lot to placate these people who are not willing to use their brains. \n\n([122341|Kargath Duran] holds his head and lets out a pained sigh.)
Sys426206_szquest_complete_detail[$playername], is the preparation work complete? \n\nThe timing is just right. I've already made contact with [122344|Iswan Giant]. If I hear of any information I will let you know.
Sys426206_szquest_descHelp [122341|Kargath Duran] confirm that Chef [122342|Patch] and Ailic's Scholar [122343|Chacha] have completed their preparations.
Sys426206_szquest_uncomplete_detailAs long as Chef [122342|Patch] has prepared the food and Ailic's Scholar [122343|Chacha] has made the preparations, then the Alliance can make a move.