result count: 5

Sys426310_nameEntering Treacherous Territory
Sys426310_szquest_accept_detailThis is really strange. I just asked a few wounded soldiers - they all said that the stated target for the battle's attack was the guardian, but when I asked the scouts, they gave me a different story. Perhaps they had differing views to start with, but, either way, what kind of idiot would try to settle his personal vendettas on the battlefield?\n\nThis issue is already seriously affecting troop morale. We've got to take care of this fast. You and Morrok need to look into this right away!\n\nOh, right! I almost forgot: those strange "miscommunications" weren't happening everywhere, only on that piece of land in front of us. Naturally, this leads me to believe that Maderoth might somehow be involved. Even so, you and Morrok are experienced in your field, I'm sure you'll come up with a solution soon.
Sys426310_szquest_complete_detailAside from the stuff you've already found, this Magic Formation seems likely to be involved. We must find a way to break it.
Sys426310_szquest_descLook for clues in the Flaming Wasteland.
Sys426310_szquest_uncomplete_detailThere's something off about this place.