result count: 6

SC_Z27_426532_01What? We can disembark here? That's good news. But please wait until I've finished the wine in this barrel. When I'm done, I'll come back.
Sys426532_nameRescuing a Drunk
Sys426532_szquest_accept_detail[118153|Yabo Balo] is a fool...\n\nHe went mad during the shipwreck. He sat himself in a barrel of wine and the wooden barrel would keep him afloat in the sea. Which would have been a good idea, if he'd thought of a way to steer the barrel!\n\nI don't have much hope, but still, please keep an eye out for him on the shore. Maybe you'll find him after all.
Sys426532_szquest_complete_detailThe fool made it back. The gods of luck must really like him. Thank you!
Sys426532_szquest_descFind [118153|Yabo Balo] in the wine barrel.
Sys426532_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou have some bad news for me...?