result count: 7

SC_Z30_Q426867_01I heard from Tanzila...
SC_Z30_Q426867_02I'm sure I'll manage to think of something for helping Tanzila.
Sys426867_nameDriving Them Back
Sys426867_szquest_accept_detailPirate, [108504|Tanzila] is tied to Balu in life and death. If [108504|Tanzila] disappear from battle, this have big impact on Balu. We must help him force back undead monsters. If they invade [ZONE_VORDO_SETTLEMENT|Balu Village], you never get past [108504|Tanzila] into [ZONE_JEDS_TOMB|Kidd's Grave].\n\nQuickly, decide! You want force out undead monsters? Or you want flee from [ZONE_VORDO_SETTLEMENT|Balu Village]?
Sys426867_szquest_complete_detail(A scintilla of recognition lights in [121772|Zak Balu's] eyes.)\n\nPirate, you not to be underestimated. No wonder [SC_PIRATE_ERIC|Ailic's Pirates] become one of three mighty pirate groups so quickly. If you say your captain knows how to help [108504|Tanzila], I say I believe you!
Sys426867_szquest_descDefeat the [<S>108502|Skeleton Soldiers] relentlessly attacking [108504|Tanzila].
Sys426867_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf you want to pass [108504|Tanzila], you must befriend Balu and confront common enemy.