result count: 6

SC_Z30_Q426870_01Suddenly a group of [<S>108503|Shadow Mages] appears and surrounds you.
Sys426870_nameA Foot in the Door
Sys426870_szquest_accept_detailThe Balu feel [108504|Tanzila] regains his strength. Is this doing of Ailic's Pirates?\n\n[108504|Tanzila] sent me. [108504|Tanzila] wants to say something.\n\nNo! How is it possible? My head, the pain... what foul energy disturbs the connection between me and [108504|Tanzila]?\n\nArgh! A great power is blocking connection between me and [108504|Tanzila]? Around us... these figures of evil power around us... they must be destroyed!
Sys426870_szquest_complete_detailHuh... huh...\n\nThanking you! Thanking you many times!\n\nI feel same dark energy that leaves these creatures spreads itself in [ZONE_JEDS_TOMB|Kidd's Grave].\n\nDid [108504|Tanzila] call me here for this?\n\nThe Balu and [108504|Tanzila] watch [ZONE_JEDS_TOMB|Kidd's Grave] for many generations. How can it be that someone or something invades [ZONE_JEDS_TOMB|grave] while we watch? And that being such a great dark power?
Sys426870_szquest_descKill these [<S>108503|Shadow Mages] and prevent Sismond's undead army blocking the connection between [122566|Ludor Balu] and [108504|Tanzila].
Sys426870_szquest_uncomplete_detail([122566|Ludor Balu] holds his head in both hands, screaming in pain.)\n\nThe pain... the pain!\n\nStop them. Stop undead army!