result count: 5

Sys426884_nameThe Mechanism
Sys426884_szquest_accept_detailWant to take a break already? Well warm your ears up, and I can be rather loquacious when it comes down to it.\n\nFor those who get this far, they must still face Kidd's control points. But not a single one of the pirates who made it here before you, not even those who violently wrested access to Kidd's Grave, none of them found out how to wake Kidd from the dead. God damn it, it was us who found that out, us that did the hard work, and now along comes this here [122975|Sismond] and steals the fruits of our efforts.\n\nAccording to our reconnaissance work, [122975|Sismond] broke the rules. He forced the seal, which is why the mechanism failed. That failure has brought about some dire consequences.
Sys426884_szquest_complete_detailDo you understand? We need to make haste and put things to right.
Sys426884_szquest_descListen to what [123337|Hedlin] has to say about the area.
Sys426884_szquest_uncomplete_detailNot so hasty. Listen to what I have to say first. Then we can chat.