result count: 7

SC_Z30_Q426992_01Have you seen Hulu Balu, Chabang Balu or Wala Balu recently?
SC_Z30_Q426992_02You say you're collecting information for Kusi Balu?\n\nAh, such a tragic story.\n\nI heard all about it from another Balu warrior. Chabang Balu apparently died on the battlefield. I received this [243102|ring] as proof. Chabang Balu's final wish was that it be given to Kusi Balu.\n\nHonorable Mate, since you're helping Kusi Balu, maybe you could bring him [243102|Chabang Balu's Ring].
Sys426992_nameProving Your Skills
Sys426992_szquest_accept_detailNow you need to show Balu captain, you better. Go to battlefield and use fighting skills you learned. Defeat [<S>108502|Skeleton Soldiers] and return with their [<S>241088|Grinning Skulls]. Captain then have big respect for you.
Sys426992_szquest_complete_detailAh... is this your doing?\n\nBalubalu! Since you so serious in battle, I must accept you as true warrior!
Sys426992_szquest_descCollect the [<S>241088|Grinning Skulls] to prove your abilities.
Sys426992_szquest_uncomplete_detailBalubalu! Pirate, you go fight, and do what you must.