result count: 5

Sys427118_nameBanking on Flowers
Sys427118_szquest_accept_detailThe consumption of [243252|Lapine Grass] has exceeded my calculations. It's a shame, since [243252|Lapine Grass] is very effective at staunching the flow of blood. If only it were easier to obtain...\n\nOh well, I guess I'll have to try to find an alternative...
Sys427118_szquest_complete_detailYou needn't do that on my account... What's that? It's on the way? Haha, you're not a very convincing liar, but thank you nevertheless.
Sys427118_szquest_descVenture deep into the [ZONE_PUTTY_WETLANDS|Chalk Wetlands] and gather the [243252|Lapine Grass] which [123668|Julius Mimet] needs.
Sys427118_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe river bank closest to [ZONE_BAORTE_FARM|Bartas Farm] is in [SC_Z32_SEAFOOD|Tiktaalik] territory. It's very rich in [243252|Lapine Grass]. We used to be able to gather it near the [ZONE_SCOUT_RIDGE|Chalk Canyon Outpost], but that's not possible any more.