result count: 5

Sys427145_nameConstruction of the Arcanium Chamber
Sys427145_szquest_accept_detailYou've already heard that a great danger is heading our way.\n\nThe Ancient Secret Book says that an unforeseeable evil will await us, once the Temple to the Ancient Spirits has been opened. We need to build an Arcanium Chamber, to limit the magnitude of this catastrophe as much as possible. So you can imagine just how great the costs of such a gigantic project are.\n\nDo you want to help us in this truly crucial matter? Of course, it is by no means your duty to help us, but the more forces we can concentrate in one place, the quicker we can see this plan through to its conclusion, wouldn't you agree?
Sys427145_szquest_complete_detailThanks for your help. I hope we'll be able to put the plans into action as quickly as possible. You have my blessings, and may fortune smile upon you.
Sys427145_szquest_descTalk to [123633|Jess Hays] and help him to carry out the plan.
Sys427145_szquest_uncomplete_detailDo you want to help us in this truly crucial matter? Of course, it is by no means your duty to help us, but the more forces we can concentrate in one place, the quicker we can see this plan through to its conclusion, wouldn't you agree?