result count: 6

SC_Z32Q427191_1Someone's just donated a treasure box.
Sys427191_nameA Generous Donor
Sys427191_szquest_accept_detailThat really is a lot of money... but ever since we left [ZONE_VEILED_BLACKTOWN|Veiled Mist Harbor], our parents always warned us never to accept something we didn't earn through ordinary means. That's why I can't accept grandpa's money. On the other hand... there are so many problems out there at the moment. Why don't I just give the money to charity? Do you think you could deliver it to the [SC_Z32FALCON|Falcon Regiment] for me?
Sys427191_szquest_complete_detailWe're not going to get into difficulties if we accept this money, are we? Please tell me it's not stolen.\n\nOnly joking! On behalf of the [SC_Z32FALCON|Falcon Regiment], please pass on our thanks to the donor. His generosity will help us solve a number of problems.
Sys427191_szquest_desc[123811|Simba Port] wants to donate the treasure. Take the money back to the [SC_Z32FALCON|Falcon Regiment] for him and have [123758|Nigela Cook] handle the donation.
Sys427191_szquest_uncomplete_detailGood job you're back. I need to talk to you about work.