result count: 6

SC_Q427254_1The talisman can only be reforged with the help of the Rune of Fusing.
Sys427254_nameThe Akson Family Values
Sys427254_szquest_accept_detailAbsolutely. I'd give everything for [243281|Fanasa's Heart] if it'll help me to avenge <CY>Mothoman</CY>... Other than that, I'd keep my hands away from any dealings with the <CY>Akson family</CY>.\n\nListen closely. [204523|Orkus Steel] isn't the only thing we need. We're also short of the [204525|Rune of Fusing] and a little [204549|Runic Water]. The [204525|Rune of Fusing] is part of the <CY>Akson family</CY> treasure, but we need it to make sure the [204523|Orkus Steel] and [204549|Runic Water] can be used to full effect.\n\nThe [204525|Rune of Fusing] will probably be the most difficult thing. You don't know just how lousy the members of the <CY>Akson</CY> and <CY>Shadis families</CY> can be. I really have no idea how much it will cost you to get your hands on the rune.
Sys427254_szquest_complete_detailI'd gladly help with the work on [243281|Fanasa's Heart], but you'll have to talk to the master mage about the [204525|Rune of Fusing].
Sys427254_szquest_descHead over to [ZONE_AKSO_MANOR|Akson Manor] and talk to [123897|Laros Akson], the current head of the family, to acquire the [204525|Rune of Fusing].
Sys427254_szquest_uncomplete_detailHmm... do I know you? Excuse me, but I really have a lot to do.