result count: 5

Sys427361_nameTop Priorities
Sys427361_szquest_accept_detailYou're on Tasuq in the [ZONE_SHATTUM_ARCHIPELAGO|Shataem Archipelago]. The Emergency Transport Portal in the [ZONE_Z33_FAYTEAR_UPLANDS|Moorlands of Farsitan] in Kolydia leads directly to the portal here in [ZONE_SILVERSTEP_CAMP|Silver Streak Camp].\n\nWe've already brought in a ton of supplies via the portal, and the construction works here setting up the camp are almost complete. But things haven't exactly been plain sailing. The <CY>powerful runic energy</CY> in the area causes fluctuations in the transport portal. And they're getting worse. If we don't keep up the energy supply to the portal, we might lose the connection completely. Unfortunately, we lost nearly all of our [<S>243296|Spatial Magic Energy Flasks] during the transfer because of these damn fluctuations.\n\nI'm only just able to maintain the connection to the mainland with the few remaining energy flasks. The others from the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] are already out searching for more. Please help us to find more [<S>243296|Spatial Magic Energy Flasks] from the [<S>124161|Scattered Supply Boxes] lying around the area, otherwise we'll have a seriously big problem on our hands.
Sys427361_szquest_complete_detailYes, perfect! Those are the flasks we need! Great job.\n\nWith the extra flasks I should be able to maintain the transport portal connection for some time yet.
Sys427361_szquest_descCollect some [<S>243296|Spatial Magic Energy Flasks] from the [124161|supply boxes] scattered around the [ZONE_SILVERSTEP_CAMP|camp] for [124160|Parthnisa].
Sys427361_szquest_uncomplete_detailThis transport portal is our sole connection to the outside world. We can't risk being cut off.