result count: 5

Sys427502_nameMeeting Reports from the Frost Camp
Sys427502_szquest_accept_detailThe [ZONE_FROST_OUTPOST|Frost Camp] is the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League's] main base of operations on [ZONE_CLUHISS_ISLAND|Korris]. Whenever [109376|Cibel] isn't on the [ZONE_FROSTSABER_UPLAND|Ice Blade Plateau], she's usually to be found there. That's also the place where she holds talks with representatives of the minotaurs and cyclopes.\n\nShe's bound to keep various important [<S>243460|Meeting Reports] there. Maybe some of them contain useful clues. I'd like you to sneak into the [ZONE_FROST_OUTPOST|Frost Camp] and bring me some of these [<S>243460|Meeting Reports]. Maybe we'll find out how [100035|Cibel] falsified the statements from minotaurs' oracle or pulled the wool over the cyclopes' eyes.
Sys427502_szquest_complete_detailThanks for your help!\n\nIt doesn't look as if any kind of magic was used to censor the text in these [<S>243460|Meeting Reports]. Maybe she wanted to make it easier for the minotaurs and cyclopes to read.\n\nI've skimmed through them, mostly they just describe what happened during their meetings. I'll take some more time to study the text more carefully. There must be some kind of clue in there, no matter how small.
Sys427502_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_FROST_OUTPOST|Frost Camp] and get some of the [<S>243460|Meeting Reports] there for [124357|Yngur Harmur].
Sys427502_szquest_uncomplete_detailI'd like you to sneak into the [ZONE_FROST_OUTPOST|Frost Camp] and bring me some of these [<S>243460|Meeting Reports]. Maybe we'll find out how [100035|Cibel] falsified the statements of the minotaurs' oracle or pulled the wool over the cyclopes' eyes.