result count: 5

Sys427553_nameThe Second Trial
Sys427553_szquest_accept_detailThere you are! So you're representing the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance]. Very well. The second trial is the Trial of Mercy.\n\nIn this trial, you have to show mercy to those of us who have already fallen to the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League]. I know that their bodies are already lost, but their souls are suffering in captivity. Show your mercy and help them on their way to eternal peace.\n\nDefeat the decayed Angren and bring me their [243480|Personal Amulets]. Then I will pray for the cleansing of their souls.
Sys427553_szquest_complete_detailAah! The number of [243480|Personal Amulets] shows just how many Angren have already fallen to the League. I hope that they can now escape their suffering once and for all.\n\nYou have now completed the Trial of Mercy! Next go to our leader [124472|Ansari]. She will give you the final trial.
Sys427553_szquest_descDefeat the [109440|Decayed Angren] in the [ZONE_NORTH_NEBULA_WOODS|Northern] and [ZONE_SOUTH_NEBULA_WOODS|Southern Nebula Woods]. Take their [243480|Personal Amulets] from them and bring them to [124471|Anka] the Runner.
Sys427553_szquest_uncomplete_detailDefeat the decayed Angren and bring me their [243480|Personal Amulets]. Then I will pray for the cleansing of their souls.