result count: 7

SC_Z37_Q427670_01[109189|Minas] is a seriously tough cookie. Don't you have anything else for me to do?
SC_Z37_Q427670_02I already eliminated [109189|Minas]!
Sys427670_namePrevent the Soul Requiem
Sys427670_szquest_accept_detailEveryone's had to wait a long time, but now I have the exact information.\n\nImmediately after our arrival in the [ZONE_SOULLESS_REALM|Necropolis], [109189|Minas] the Soul Corrupter retreated into the [ZONE_DEAD_SOUL_TOMB|Tomb of Souls] to carry out the Soul Requiem. That is a terrifying spell in which he causes the entire soul force to explode in one breath. If he succeeds in completing this ceremony, all life on [ZONE_VORT_ISLAND|Vortis] will be destroyed.\n\nThe elite warriors of the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] have already set out to try to stop him. I will join them soon. Please help us and use all your skill so that we can defeat [109189|Minas] and save [ZONE_VORT_ISLAND|Vortis].
Sys427670_szquest_complete_detailWe have all achieved a great feat. With our victory over [109189|Minas], we were able to prevent the Soul Requiem and so prevent the extinction of all life on [ZONE_VORT_ISLAND|Vortis].\n\nAh yes, [124531|Arlya] has sent me her analysis results...
Sys427670_szquest_descEnter the [ZONE_DEAD_SOUL_TOMB|Tomb of Souls] and help the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance's] elite troops to defeat [109189|Minas] the Soul Corrupter and prevent the Soul Requiem.\n\n<CY>Note: You can venture into the</CY> [ZONE_DEAD_SOUL_TOMB|Tomb of Souls] <CY>instance yourself or talk to </CY>[124530|Aydan Highlander]<CY> once more to complete this quest.</CY>
Sys427670_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe elite warriors of the [HAND_OF_BALANCE|Hand of Balance] have already set out to try to stop him. I will join them soon. Please help us and use all your skill so that we can defeat [109189|Minas] and save [ZONE_VORT_ISLAND|Vortis].