result count: 5

Sys427737_nameCheck the Defensive Device
Sys427737_szquest_accept_detailI've set up some [124641|Magical Defense Devices] around the [ZONE_DAWNING_ENCAMPMENT|Dawn Encampment]. These cast a spell at regular intervals which should keep the camp protected. But the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League's] latest attack has damaged some of the devices.\n\nCould you go around and repair them? Take out any members of the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League] you come across, then repair the damaged components.
Sys427737_szquest_complete_detail[124579|Aydan Highlander] and [124595|Arlya] have both arrived in the [ZONE_DAWNING_ENCAMPMENT|Dawn Encampment]. [124579|Aydan] has listened to the scouts' reports and is now hard at work planning the next steps.\n\nPlease talk to [124579|Aydan]. I hope you'll be able to help him carrying out his plans.
Sys427737_szquest_descInspect the [124641|Magical Defense Devices] around the [ZONE_DAWNING_ENCAMPMENT|Dawn Encampment] and exchange any damaged components. Report back to [124532|Kerley Hill] when you're finished.
Sys427737_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease inspect the [124641|Magical Defense Devices] around the [ZONE_DAWNING_ENCAMPMENT|Dawn Encampment]. After you've eliminated any remnants of the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League] you find, exchange any damaged components.